Tag Archives: self-love

Love is in the AIR –

February is typically a month where there is a LOT of focus on the emotion of LOVE. LOVE & ROMANCE – what dreams are made of, right? Prince Charming coming and sweeping you off your feet and taking you away on his white horse to live happily-ever-after. #SWOON Give me some of THAT! 

SCRATCH THAT! That isn’t what REAL love is and if you’re waiting for that, well, you’re going to be waiting a long time, in fact, forever. Even if he comes, he isn’t going to know how to love you well UNLESS YOU ALREADY know EXACTLY what you love and what drives you and you understand how your thoughts drive your feelings which fuel your actions. 

The way to make sure you are loved well by others in your life is for YOU to love YOURSELF well so people know how to treat you. They will treat you how you treat yourself. I like how Jordan Peterson, the author, speaker, psychologist talks about it. He says, you should treat yourself like someone you love dearly and are responsible to care for. Think about it for a minute. Do you? Do YOU treat yourself precious? Do you care for yourself as if you are a child dependent on it? (you ARE)

How might you answer these questions: Are you hydrating your body adequately? Do you eat wholesome, nutritious, clean food? Do you make allowances for any issues your body is experiencing? (cut out gluten/dairy/etc) Do you participate in exercise regularly? Are you building physical strength and resilience? Do you regularly practice habits of detoxing your body? Do you practice excellent oral hygiene (floss daily?)? Do you get adequate amounts of sleep regularly? (7 hours or more) Do you avoid substances/habits that are harmful to your body? Do you keep your word to yourself? IOW do you do what you SAY you will do, and NOT do what you say you won’t? Do you maintain healthy relationships? Do you feel and process your emotions regularly? (or do you stuff them?)

The truth of the matter is that it requires EFFORT to LOVE yourself AND it is the BEST effort you can put into the world. It requires a LOT of introspection to determine WHAT IS IT that actually does light your fire? WHAT ARE your dreams? WHAT IS your purpose? WHAT ARE your gifts to share with the world? Do you remember?

Here are some ways for you to tune in and start to prioritize yourself:

  1. Listen to your body and hydrate and nourish it well.
  2. Allocate time for rest and rejuvenation daily.
  3. Listen to your intuition, trust yourself.
  4. Keep promises to yourself.
  5. Show up for yourself in every moment.
  6. Have and enforce boundaries. (boundaries are to keep you safe, not manipulate someone else’s behavior)
  7. Raise your standards, hold yourself accountable.
  8. Build confidence & competence.
  9. Remove anything that doesn’t add value to your life.
  10. Honor your preferences, no matter how small they seem.
  11. Say no with grace and without excuse when you WANT to say no.

Honoring your preferences seems like a no-brainer but really it isn’t. If you CAN CHOOSE and the choice is between something you ,like BETTER, you should always choose what you prefer. You vibrate higher and show up better when you’re at your best and you are at your best when your emotions are well regulated and you are making steps towards accomplishing your goals. It truly is “the Climb” like Miley Cyrus once used to sing. 

So THEN – how do we get LOVE in the “AIR”? With your oils of COURSE! There are quite a few “heart-centered” oils which are great for the physical heart and the emotional heart: Ylang Ylang, AromaLife, Cistus, & Joy. All the floral oils minister to the heart and all the grounding oils will too. The citrus oils are all very uplifting. Basically ANY OILS or ALL THE OILS.

If you look up the emotion of LOVE in Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils, by Dr. Caroline Mein DC, you will see the oil, Release. The other side is “unconditional love” and the way out statement is “I view it from a higher higher perspective.” (There are TWO higher’s in that sentence. I’m not sure if it’s a typo or not, but it makes sense to me with two of them. I’ts HIGH-ERRRRR) The alarm point is the eye/brain. That point is just behind the ear across the back of the head to behind the other ear. Isn’t that interesting? We’re going to use RELEASE on the back of our head/across the back of the brain to access LOVE. LOVE is coming from our THOUGHTS about the person/thing/OURSELVES – THAT is what generates the feeling. Using RELEASE – we consider the issues we face as coming from a higher perspective and we RELEASE the thoughts that are not serving us towards that goal. You can also apply it to the tips of the earlobes for another point that will “open the mind”.

As you honor your preferences more and more and only say yes when you want to whole-heartedly you will become more aware when others are treating you in a way that isn’t loving and you will be able to negotiate for what you need or make the changes needed to ensure your love-cup is staying full. Because whose job IS IT to make sure it’s full? It is YOUR job. You fill your OWN love cup. 
